Worldwide Babies – A WYD Challenge

H.2: A Large Family

Posted on: March 17, 2012

Previously: Virginia isn’t coping well with Nicklaus’s death, especially because she has to care for her daughter, Georgia. Meanwhile, Dalmazia… well, she lives some sims-days, Florence and Georgia become toddlers, and Eufrate a child that likes to dress like a tiger and paint his faces in stripes. Barcelona and Croazia, Virginia’s oldest daughters, are both pregnant, but Virginia comes to know that Croazia and her husband Ethan have a lot of problems and they spent time together… 


Life goes on, and Dalmazia is the only one who cares for little Georgia and teaches her to talk and walk.

Eufrate spends his time in the fields around Appaloosa Plains, observing little animals and insects, imagining to be like the tiger he likes to impersonate.

Actually, he even likes to ambush birds and rodents… he decides that he wants to be the greatest hunter of all, the best tiger of the world.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t have any friends at school.

LTW: The Zoologist

Fortunately, this is about to change: it’s Florence birthday…

And she becomes a sweet little girl who actually likes to spend time with her brother, being so close in age. She immediately decides that she even wants to be like him… even if not exactly like him.

Florence Mondiale: virtuoso, emotional, neat
Rolled traits
LTW: Arc Builder

To fight the loneliness after Nicklaus’s death, Virginia decides that she doesn’t want to sleep alone never again, and always takes Florence with her in the bed.

She also buys a Himalayan that she calls K2, to keep her company.

And she spends a lot of time visiting her oldest children. Oh, yes. Virginia’s pregnant again, with Ethan’s baby. Not that Croazia knows that. After all, they only talk of computers and athletics…

She also visits her grandchildren. This is Michele, Croazia and Ethan’s boy.

And this is Zane, Barcelona and Shad’s. He got his grey eyes from Virginia, instead of the beautiful green ones of his mother…

Returning from one of her visits, Virginia suddenly feels something… but it’s a feeling she knows very well, and, for a change, she runs to the hospital to give birth to another girl!

Haiti Mondiale: Emotional, Loves the Outdoors
Chosen Traits
Conceived at the theatre
IF: Prince
Name meaning: form the state, obviously. Prince stands for Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti

The baby daddy is:

Ethan Parrott: elder, grey eyes, grey hair, wears a terrible hat, a grandchild’s daddy


Funny pic: 

Even after years of practice, Virginia still hans’t understood anything of cribs… 


AN: sorry again. I’m now testing Showtime, and I was excited with it! Anyway, I know this chapter is only made of pics of the big Mondiale family, but Starlight Shores was waiting for me! 


5 Responses to "H.2: A Large Family"

Have fun with Showtime.

It’s nice 😀 The new professions are really funny, it’s sad that in this challenge this expansion is… useless. So, I had to create another city and test a bit!

Love the ‘wears a terrible hat’ category! So far you’re about 50% kids where the mother is dominant, I’d say. It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out. I was a bit disappointed how many of mine ended up Bebe clones.

Yes, I am too! I mean… come on!!! I know it is not like in real life, but I was kinda hoping the blond hair wouldn’t have shown as much! (Not sure if this is grammatically correct… oh, well).

The mixing of genes isn’t done well, is it – you’ve had so many take after Virginia. So far I’ve only had one proper clone, though many of them are taking her hair colour and/or eyes.

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Worldwide Babies

Worldwide Babies is a The Sims 3 Who's Your Daddy? Challenge: one mom must have babies with 26 different fathers, each of them fulfilling a different requisite. The challenge follows a theme: the mom and the babies have names somewhat linked to "Places in the World", may that be nations, cities, famous locations... Have fun!