Worldwide Babies – A WYD Challenge

E.1: the same old arguments and the new suspicions

Posted on: February 11, 2012

Previously: Virginia had her fourth child, a little girl who she named Dalmazia. Barcelona and Croazia continued with their normal lives, while Nicklaus has become an elder, much to Virginia’s disappointment. 


It’s a very special day for the family: Virginia is organizing party, and she visits all her friends to invite them.

Everyone is invited, including Amerigo and Letitia, who enjoy the party very much, dancing all night. Virginia is excited to see him so happy, but a bit sad that Letitia doesn’t want any children yet: she’s so anxious to meet her grandchildren and discover if they will be like her, or her son, or daughter-in-law, but she has no such luck, for the moment.

The special birthday girl is the only one that doesn’t like the party very much, and goes to bed early, only to be awaken later.

Croazia Mondiale: Evil, Inappropriate, Athletic, Computer Whiz
Rolled Traits.

Croazia immediately starts creating problems: she’s arrested after her prom,

and then she fights with Nicklaus. She also finds herself a boyfriend, in two hours time.

Barcelona, in the meanwhile, ages on the pavement immediately after the prom.

And grows to be the exact copy of her mother… only a bit plumpier!

Barcelona Mondiale: Genius, Virtuoso, Good, Family Oriented, Lucky
Chosen Traits.
LTW: not accomplished
LTH: ~16000

As soon as she arrives home, it’s time for another birthday.

And Dalmazia immediately seems another carbon copy of Virginia, except for the blue eyes, which are from Courtney. Virginia hopes the eyes are the only thing Dalmazia took from her father, because he’s not the finest man of Appaloosa Plain… and, that way, Nicklaus will have less suspects, too.

The next day starts with Barcelona finding a job in the medical career.

And continues with a trip to the city hall to attend Barcelona’s graduation. Everyone is there… well, except Croazia. Where is she?

Croazia appears only at the end of the ceremony, in inappropriate clothes, having missed her sister’s speech (Amerigo was granted this honor too, and Virginia is so proud!).

Barcelona is not pleased that her sister wasn’t present, and she affronts her, back at home.

Croazia, then, accuses Barcelona of thinking only of herself, of always wanting all the attention of their parents.

Barcelona tries desperately to defend herself, but she doesn’t know what to say. She’s too good to scream back at her little sister.

Croazia is not so inhibited. She furiously slaps Barcelona, and declares that she can’t have a sister which is always so darn good and perfect!

No one cares about little Dal who is crying in the background, afraid of her big sister loud discussion. Even Virginia isn’t really interested in her daughters’ problems… she likes her cake better.

But she does care that, after the fight, Barcelona decides that she can’t live with Croazia, and leaves to start her own family. She was voted “The most probable to have a large family”, after all.

Virginia’s reaction to the pain is a bit unusual, as always: she goes to a party next door, only to discover that some strange people with glowing skin like Amerigo’s die becoming dust.

But, hey! That way she gets to console the grief-stricken Kenji Mitten, boyfriend of one of the dead girls.

And maybe to do something more than only consoling…

The family notices that Virginia doesn’t sleep at home, that night. Nicklaus tries to tell himself that it is because she’s shocked by Barcelona’s sudden departure, and that probably she’s only wondering in the city, alone, to hide her pain.

To avoid thinking too much, he tries to stay busy teaching Dalmazia how to walk. But, when he’s alone, he can’t stop his own mind: he knows something is very wrong…

 Next: will Kenji Mitten ever forget his dead girlfriend and make friends with Virginia? Will Nicklaus acknowledge the truth? Will the children argue forever? 

6 Responses to "E.1: the same old arguments and the new suspicions"

Wow….haven’t seen a vamp turn to dust before, thanks for sharing!

I hadn’t, either! It was so creepy (and her ghost was even creepier), that I had to take a thousand shots!

Your next button on the post before this one is broken…

Oh, the chaos begins! 🙂

Thank you, now it should work!

I like how you’re telling a bit of a story with this, instead of just filling the house with kids all the time. It’s nice for us to get the know the kids a bit before they’re kicked out.

Yes, I like storytelling! And, I’ll admit, I’m a slow player! It takes me forever to do almost everything, so I have to fill up the wait with something interesting!

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Worldwide Babies

Worldwide Babies is a The Sims 3 Who's Your Daddy? Challenge: one mom must have babies with 26 different fathers, each of them fulfilling a different requisite. The challenge follows a theme: the mom and the babies have names somewhat linked to "Places in the World", may that be nations, cities, famous locations... Have fun!